Friday, 14 March 2014

HOW TO FIND INFORMATION/Setting up and getting started

The successful researcher will do their preparation before embarking on themain task. This will include investigations at the home library/ies:? Finding out loan and other entitlements? Obtaining a current library card or equivalent? Obtaining any necessary usernames and passwords (see Chapter 2)? Identifying an appropriate librarian or other individual who may be able tooffer help
? Identifying available services (such as interlibrary loan or other documentsupply, or reciprocal borrowing arrangements at other libraries)? Checking opening hours and other practicalities
? Finding out about the equipment (both hardware and software) needed tocarry out the information seeking and management process:
? checking Internet access? obtaining word processing and/or other software? accessing bibliographic software or other reference management system
? printing facilitiesThe list of needs will depend on each individual case and should be compiledat  the  outset.  Undoubtedly,  needs  will  change  during  the  course  of  thework, but having the basics available and functioning from the start can saveproblems later on.

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