Other sources and types of information
Databases that contain records of other formats, such as audio visual materials, can be searched in similar ways to
bibliographic databases. For example, the British Universities Film and Video Council (BUFVC)23 provides access to Hermes
database of audio visual programmes and the British Universities Newsreel Database (BUND), and the Education Image
Gallery (EIG)24 holds around 50,000 images for use in education. The COPAC union catalogue has a map search option
which limits the search to items such as maps, nautical charts, atlases, and topographical drawings.
Grey literature (see Appendix 2) can be difficult to track down. One source
for searching US grey literature is the GrayLIT Network, 'a portal for technical
report information generated through federally funded research and devel-
opment projects' (Office of Scientific and Technical Information 2007). Con-
tent comprises scientific technical reports. The British Library collection
includes UK reports, conferences, and theses. As more digital repositories are
created and filled, grey literature is likely to become more readily available, but
comprehensive coverage will be some time in coming.
ZETOC,25 the database created jointly by the British Library and the JISC, contains bibliographic details of many thousands
of conference proceedings and journals' tables of contents from all disciplines. It is available free to UK further and higher
education institutions.
New York Public Library catalogue26 can be of great use for checking biblio-
graphic details of US titles (in addition to the Library of Congress catalogue). It
also includes audio visual materials, maps, and artefacts as well as access to the
New York Public Library for the Performing Arts dance collection catalogue
and the Schomburg Center for Research In Black Culture catalogue.
The BOPCRIS (British Official Publications Collaborative Reader Informa-
tion Service)27 catalogue can be used to discover British Official publications
published between 1688 and 1995. Abstracts are provided for many records.
The UK National Archives28 provides access to a central catalogue of govern-
ment records and information about UK archives and other collections. UKOP
(UK Official Publications), from TSO, is 'the official catalogue of UK official
publications since 1980, containing 450,000 records from over 2000 public
bodies' (TSO 2007).
Online book sellers such as Amazon are providing increasingly sophisticated
services for users. For example, Amazon now includes a facility for publishers
to allow the full text of their books to be searched and for sections to be
made freely accessible as a 'taster' for users. If available, this can be useful for
researchers who are trying to ascertain whether or not a title is relevant to
References and citation searching
Scrutinizing the references included in works and performing a citation search (see Chapter 7) are valuable methods of
discovering information.
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